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In High stakes matters, we are regarded as an


Employment . Business . Professional Liability

At your service


Employment Law

Business Litigation

Professional Liability

Why Farbstein & Blackman

Fierce Advocate

We know that no two cases are ever
alike, and respect the unique complexity,
sensitivity, and challenge that each case
brings. We draw from our experience to
deliver seasoned legal advice and
compelling representation. We are
committed to delivering optimal
outcomes for our clients.

Common Sense

Technical expertise is not enough. We
value the spirit of the law, and shape our
strategy around the force that comes
with an eye towards sensibility and

Advice and Counsel

We provide real-world employment law
advice and counsel for businesses of all
kinds and in all circumstances.
Compliance. Risk Management.
Investigations. Planning. Because we also
litigate cases, we know how to avoid
common pitfalls.

A Selection Of

Notable Cases

Employment Law:

The firm has handled in excess of 200 employment cases in recent years.

— Cappa v CrossTest, et al (rep. defense/cross complainant, employment/trade secrets, defense verdict/recovery on cross complaint for injunctive relief)

— Bloom v. Claimetrics Management LLC (defense of executive employment contract claim, verdict under plaintiff’s last settlement demand)

— Wagner v Houdini’s Magic Shop (defeated class certification in wage/hour case, affirmed on appeal)

— Former Executive Director v. San Francisco Zoological Society (defeated $1.5M employment claim in arbitration)

— Sexual harassment cases. The firm recently resolved two significant sexual harassment cases on behalf of aggrieved employees with negotiated results of $500,000 and $450,000

— Martinez v Terix (rep. plaintiff, wage and hour claim, full recovery after trial, including penalties and attorneys fees)

— Pugh v See’s Candies (founding partner defended See’s Candies throughout the course of this landmark employment case, resulting in a complete defeat of the plaintiff’s case after 11 years of litigation)

Unfair Competition:

— American Mortgage Network v Loancity, et al (rep. defense/cross complainant, 6 week jury trial regarding alleged unlawful recruiting, plaintiff verdict reversed on appeal, end result: waiver of costs on main action, $100,000 recovered on cross complaint)

— Cappa v CrossTest, et al (rep. defense/cross complainant, employment/trade secrets, defense verdict/recovery on cross complaint for injunctive relief)

— Successfully represented start up companies faced with offensive trade secret and unfair competition allegations by former employers

Business Litigation:

— Obtained a $500,000 resolution for our client, in a business litigation over software fees.

— Defended a web developer against complex allegations of misperformance, resulting in a mutual release for a waiver of costs.

— Rosen v Anagnostou (defeated fraudulent transfer claim at trial).

411 Borel Avenue Suite 600, CA 94402, USA
(650) 554-6200,  Monday – Friday: 9 AM – 5 PM